۱۳۸۷ دی ۷, شنبه
.205 کشته و بيش از 300 زخمی حاصل حمله اسرائيل به غزه در آستانه سال نو

7دی/ خدمات دو جانبه رژيم های
ايران و اسرائيل به يکديگر روشنگری. بنا بر گزارش شبکه الجزيره حمله گسترده هوايی اسرائيل به نوار غزه تاکنون 205 کشته برجای گذاشته و حال بسياری از قربانيان وخيم است و انتظار ميرود تعداد کشته ها بيشتر شود. اين خبرگزاری قبلا تعداد زخمی ها را بيش از 300 تن گزارش داده بود. به نوشته بی بی سی اوضاع غزه فاجعه بار است. مردمی که ميخواستند به سر کار بروند دارند به خانه بر ميگردند و در حاليکه هواپيماهای اف 16 اسرائيل بر فراز شهر فاجعه زده به پرواز ادامه ميدهند از همه مردم خواسته شده به بيمارستان بروند و خون بدهند. اين در حالی است که محاصره طولانی غزه وضع سلامتی مردم و نيز امکانات بهداشتی ودرمانی را فاجعه بار کرده است.الجزيره گزارش داده که اسرائيل 32 نقطه را مورد تهاجم قرار داده است و ايهود باراک گفته حملات ادامه خواهد يافت. با اينکه رسانه های بزرگ از قول مقامات اسرائيلی ميگويند هدف حملات موسسات وابسته به حماس بوده است، ولی منابع و شخصيت های مستقل از جمله مصطفی برقوتی به الجزيره گفتند اسرائيل بدون تفاوت گذاری مردم را هدف قرار ميدهد و وجود تعدادی زن و کودک در ميان کشته ها و مجروحين اين نظر را تاييد ميکند. واکنش نهادهای بين المللی و قدرت های غربی از جمله تونی بلر که به عنوان واسطه برای مذاکرات خاورميانه منصوب شده، ناچيز و تشريفاتی بوده است. لازم به يادآوری است اجازه کشتار و اشغال که بطور ضمنی ولی علنا به اسرائيل داده شده، به رژيم هايی از نوع رژيم اسلامی ايران بهانه داده که با توسل به معيارهای دوگانه موجود در سطح بين المللی برای خود حق کشتار و سرکوب قايل شده و موجوديت خود را توجيه کنند. اين گونه تهاجمات عملا نيز به نفع رژيم تمام ميشود، و برعکس موقعيت رژيم های رقيب عربی را که عملا به همکاری با آمريکا و اسرائيل مشغولند تضعيف کرده و برنفرت مردم و بی ثباتی آنها می افزايد. درست به همين ترتيب رژيم اسلامی ايران با اتخاذ مواضع تحريک آميز و تهديدهای هدفمند به رژيم اسرائيل و توجيه جنايت عظيم عليه توده مردم فلسطين خدمت ميکند.
اسرائیل به نوار غزه حمله هوایی کرد
بر اساس گزارش ها اهدافی در مرکز شهر غزه هدف قرار گرفته است
هواپیماهای جنگنده F-16 اسرائیلی یک مجموعه حمله را علیه اهدافی در چندین نقطه غزه انجام داده اند.
منابع فلسطینی می گویند موشک های اسرائیلی چند مجتمع ساختمانی متعلق به نیروهای امنیتی حماس در مرکز شهر غزه را هدف قرار داده اند و یکی از مقام های حماس شمار کشته شدگان را 140 نفر اعلام کرده است.
برخی منابع فلسطینی تعداد مجروحان را بیش از 400 نفر اعلام کرد.
شاهدان عینی در شهر غزه گفتند بیش از 20 موشک از هواپیمایی اسرائیلی به سمت این شهر شلیک شد و تصاویر تلویزیونی مخابره شده از مناطق اطراف شهر غزه را در حالی که دود آسمان آن را فرا گرفته نشان می دهد.
اسرائیل انجام حملات را تایید کرده و اعلام کرده است که این حملات در پاسخ به ادامه حملات موشکی فلسطینیان به مناطق اسرائیلی نشین انجام شده است.
ارتش اسرائیل در بیانیه ای اعلام کرده "عاملان حملات تروریستی"، اردوگاه های آموزشی و انبارهای اسلحه حماس را هدف قرار داده است.
حماس با فاصله کمی پس از وقوع حمله اعلام کرد حملاتی انتقام جویانه را انجام خواهد داد.
آتش بس میان اسرائیلی ها و پیکارجویان فلسطینی هفته گذشته به پایان رسید.
احتمال وقوع حمله زمینی
گزارش های اولیه از صدمات وارد شده حاکی از آن است که شمار کشته شدگان بالا خواهد بود.
پال وود گزارشگر بی بی سی در بیت المقدس هم از وجود گزارش هایی تایید نشده به نقل از روزنامه نگاران محلی در غزه خبر داده که شمار مجروحان را تا 200 نفر برآورد کرده اند هر چند در حال حاضر امکان تایید این گزارش ها وجود ندارد.
تلویزیون الاقصی که توسط حماس اداره می شود گزارش کرده است: "مقر اکثر نهادهای امنیتی در غزه بطور کامل در حمله صهیونیست ها تخریب شده است."
گزارشگر ما می گوید حملات انجام شده از نظر شدت در مقایسه با حملات اخیر اسرائیل کم سابقه بوده است و احتمالا حاکی از آن است که بزودی عملیاتی زمینی نیز از سوی اسرائیل انجام خواهد شد.
در طی روزهای اخیر احتمال انجام حمله ای زمینی به غزه و علیه پیکارجویان فلسطینی که به پرتاب راکت و خمپاره به مناطق اسرائیلی نشین مبادرت می ورزند، از سوی مقام های امنیتی اسرائیل مورد بحث قرار گرفته است.
با این حال انتظار می رود احود اولمرت نخست وزیر اسرائیل حداقل تا روز یکشنبه از تایید دستور هرگونه عملیات خود داری کند.
نوار غزه زیر بمباران کم سابقه اسرائیل
محمد منظرپور
بی بی سی فارسی بیت المقدس
از ساعات اولیه پس از طلوع آفتاب امروز (شنبه 27 دسامبر)، نیروی هوایی اسرائیل حمله گسترده ای را به حداقل 50 نقطه مختلف در نوار غزه آغاز کرده است. بر اساس گزارشها تا این لحظه، به گفته منابع بیمارستانی در باریک غزه، حداقل 202 نفر کشته و صدها نفر دیگر زخمی شده اند.
غزه به لحاظ تراکم جمعیتی یکی از متراکم ترین مناطق جهان است و حملات امروز مرگبار ترین حملات اسرائیل علیه فلسطینیان در دو دهه اخیر محسوب می شود.
به گفته جنبش حماس که کنترل نوار غزه را در دست دارد، اکثر کشته شدگان از نیروهای پلیس فلسطینی هستند و توفیق جابر، رئیس پلیس نوار غزه و اسماعیل ال جبری، رئیس یگان امنیت و حفاظت پلیس غزه در بین کشته شدگان هستند. چهل نفر از این افراد، از نیروهای جدید پلیس بوده اند که در زمان حمله، برای مراسم دریافت سردوشی در مقر پلیس شهر غزه حضور داشته اند.
حدود یک سوم از کشته شدگان مردم غیر نظامی هستند.
خبرنگاران بی بی سی در راهروهای بیمارستان مرکزی شفا در شهر غزه، ده ها جسد را مشاهده کرده اند که به دلیل تکمیل شدن ظرفیت سردخانه بیمارستان، در کاریدورها روی زمین رها شده اند.
علاوه بر شهر غزه، به گفته شاهدان عینی، اردوگاه های پناهندگان فلسطینی در رفح و خان یونس، و کمربند مرزی نوار غزه با مصر نیز هدف حمله جنگنده ها و هلیکوپترهای اسرائیلی قرار گرفته است. مراکز درمانی در سراسر غزه از مردم خواسته اند تا با اهدا خون، آنها را در نجات جان زخمی ها یاری کنند. آنها همچنین خوستار کمکهای درمانی فوری از مصر شده اند.
روز گذشته اقدام اسرائیل در گشودن سه گذرگاه مرزی بر روی کارونانهای امداد رسانی بین المللی عازم غزه، امیدهایی را برای کاهش تنش بین دو طرف ایجاد کرده بود اما اکنون به نظر می رسد اقدام دیروز یک مانور تبلیغاتی در تدارک برای حمله هوایی گسترده امروز بوده است.
جنبش حماس تهدید کرده که با تمام توان واکنش نشان دهد و به گفته ابو عبیده، فرمانده شاخه نظامی حماس، "درهای جهنم را بر روی اسرائیل" باز کند.
ساعت یک و نیم بعد از ظهر به وقت محلی، ارتش اسرائیل اعلام کرد که عملیات در غزه همچنان ادامه دارد.
دقایقی بعد، مارک رگــِو، سخنگوی نخست وزیر اسرائیل با صدور بیانیه های، حماس را مسئول حملات امروز معرفی کرد و گفت هدف اسرائیل، حفاظت از شهروندان خود است.
طی ده روز که از انقضای آتش بس بین حماس و اسرائیل می گذرد، به گفته منابع اسرائیلی بالغ بر 110 موشک و خمپاره از داخل نوار غزه به مناطق جنوبی اسرائیل شلیک شده است. هر چند این موشکهای کوچک و دست ساز به نسبت، خسارات کمی بر جای گذاشته اند اما موج انفجار سیاسی آنها بسیار گسترده بوده، به نحوی که موضوع واکنش به حملات گروه های شببه نظامی در غزه به داغترین بحث سیاسی در اسرائیل تبدیل شده است.
به استثنای ایهود باراک، وزیر دفاع و ایهود المرت، نخست وزیر اسرائیل، تقریبا ً اکثریت شخصیتهای سیاسی داخل و خارج دولت اسرائیل، خواستار واکنش نظامی به این حملات بوده اند. در حالی که کمتر از دو ماه به انتخابات پارلمانی اسرائیل باقی است منتقدان دولت و در راس آنها، بنیامین ناتانیاها، رهبر حزب راست گرای لیکود، دولت ائتلافی حاکم را به ضعف و بی کفایتی در برخورد با حماس متهم کرده اند که فشار سیاسی عظیمی را به احزاب درون دولت ائتلافی وارد کرده است.
از زمان آغاز حمله هوایی اسرائیل، حماس حداقل سه موشک گراد را به جنوب اسرائیل شلیک کرده که به گفته منابع اسرائیلی، یک کشته شدن یک نفر و جراحت سطحی دو نفر دیگر منجر شده است.
با انتشار خبر حملات هوایی اسرائیل، صدها نفر از فلسطینیان در رام الله به خیابانها ریخته و تظاهرات اعتراض آمیزی را آغاز کرده اند.
Articles by Khaled Amayreh
November 10th, 2008 by Khaled Amayreh
October 31st, 2008 by Khaled Amayreh
October 13th, 2008 by Khaled Amayreh
October 10th, 2008 by Khaled Amayreh
October 7th, 2008 by Khaled Amayreh
September 24th, 2008 by Khaled Amayreh
September 18th, 2008 by Khaled Amayreh
September 9th, 2008 by Khaled Amayreh
August 30th, 2008 by Khaled Amayreh
August 22nd, 2008 by Khaled Amayreh
August 15th, 2008 by Khaled Amayreh
August 8th, 2008 by Khaled Amayreh
August 6th, 2008 by Khaled Amayreh
August 2nd, 2008 by Khaled Amayreh
July 24th, 2008 by Khaled Amayreh
July 22nd, 2008 by Khaled Amayreh
July 21st, 2008 by Khaled Amayreh
July 20th, 2008 by Khaled Amayreh
May 26th, 2007 by Khaled Amayreh
to common dreams.org
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Exit Stage Left: Harold Pinter Dies
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December 19, 2008
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December 18, 2008
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Gordon Brown Rejects Call for Early Iraq Inquiry
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December 17, 2008
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What's Next for America?
Environmentalists Wary of Obama’s Interior Pick
Panel Calls for Dropping Blackwater Guards in Iraq
Bush-Era Abortion Rules Face Possible Reversal
Obama Faces Hungry Nuclear Industry
Has the Arctic Melt Passed the Point of No Return?
US Deserter Faces Deportation Christmas Eve
George Bush Shoe-Thrower 'Too Severely Beaten' for Court Appearance
Surveillance Culture Sneaks up on Europe, Despite Resistance
What's Next for America?
December 16, 2008
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Officer Is Indicted in Toppling of Cyclist
UN Rights Investigator Expelled by Israel
Cheney Was Key in Clearing CIA Interrogation Tactics
US Costs of Iraq, Afghan Wars Top $900 Billion: Report
Report: Political Interference Tainted Most Endangered Species Rulings for 5 Years
In 'Eat Local' Movement, Cuba Is Years Ahead
FDA Will Continue to Study Chemical
Amnesty Warns Against 'Potentially Lethal' Tasers
Officer Is Indicted in Toppling of Cyclist
UN Rights Investigator Expelled by Israel
Cheney Was Key in Clearing CIA Interrogation Tactics
US Costs of Iraq, Afghan Wars Top $900 Billion: Report
Report: Political Interference Tainted Most Endangered Species Rulings for 5 Years
December 15, 2008
Review Ordered of Guantanamo UK Torture Case
New Popularity for Dr. Seuss' 'The Lorax'
Lucrative Palm Oil Crop Putting Red Apes in Danger
World Court Inquiry Sought in Afghan Rapes
Thousands Demand Release of Iraqi Journalist Who Threw Shoes at George W Bush
Obama Left With Little Time to Curb Global Warming
Ride to Honor American Indians Killed in 1890
Looking After Pockets, Not Patients
Google Wants Its Own Fast Track on the Web
Review Ordered of Guantanamo UK Torture Case
New Popularity for Dr. Seuss' 'The Lorax'
Lucrative Palm Oil Crop Putting Red Apes in Danger
World Court Inquiry Sought in Afghan Rapes
Thousands Demand Release of Iraqi Journalist Who Threw Shoes at George W Bush
Obama Left With Little Time to Curb Global Warming
Ride to Honor American Indians Killed in 1890
Looking After Pockets, Not Patients
Google Wants Its Own Fast Track on the Web
December 14, 2008
Uncertainty on Obama Education Plans
NYT Wiretap Source Revealed
Official History Spotlights Iraq Rebuilding Blunders
Iraqi Reporter Throws Shoes at Bush, Calls Him 'Dog'
Bush Sneaks Through Host of Laws to Undermine Obama
Leading Lawyer Calls for Rumsfeld Prosecution
Uncertainty on Obama Education Plans
NYT Wiretap Source Revealed
Official History Spotlights Iraq Rebuilding Blunders
Iraqi Reporter Throws Shoes at Bush, Calls Him 'Dog'
Bush Sneaks Through Host of Laws to Undermine Obama
Leading Lawyer Calls for Rumsfeld Prosecution
December 13, 2008
Obama, Democrats Agree to $500 Billion Stimulus Package
Climate Change: 'Things Happen Much Faster in the Arctic'
Auto Bailout's Death Seen as a Republican Blow at Unions
Slow Progress in Poznan While Climate Threats Mount
Obama, Democrats Agree to $500 Billion Stimulus Package
Climate Change: 'Things Happen Much Faster in the Arctic'
Auto Bailout's Death Seen as a Republican Blow at Unions
Slow Progress in Poznan While Climate Threats Mount
December 12, 2008
Companies Could Buy Areas of Rainforest in Return for Being Allowed to Pollute
Internet Access Still a Wish for Many in Rural Areas
Move May Help Shut Guantánamo Camp
International Outcry Over Mugabe Cholera Denial
Rule Eases a Mandate Under a Law on Wildlife
Al Gore Calls for Tougher Global Limit on CO2 Levels
Bush Publishes Changes to Mountaintop Removal Rule
As Possible Afghan War-Crimes Evidence Removed, US Silent
US Arms Deployed in Wars Around the Globe
Companies Could Buy Areas of Rainforest in Return for Being Allowed to Pollute
Internet Access Still a Wish for Many in Rural Areas
Move May Help Shut Guantánamo Camp
International Outcry Over Mugabe Cholera Denial
Rule Eases a Mandate Under a Law on Wildlife
Al Gore Calls for Tougher Global Limit on CO2 Levels
Bush Publishes Changes to Mountaintop Removal Rule
As Possible Afghan War-Crimes Evidence Removed, US Silent
US Arms Deployed in Wars Around the Globe
December 11, 2008
Rumsfeld Responsible for Torture, Report Says
Analysts Urge Obama Not to Delay Action on Talks With Iran
Panel Criticizes US Effort on Nanomaterial Risks
US Agency Posts 'Most Wanted' List for Eco Crimes
White House Backs Down on Easing Air-Pollution Rules
Carter Urges Lebanon, Israel to 'Seize Opportunity to Work Toward Peace'
Gore 'Rules Out' Environment Job With Obama
Politics Still Reign Over Principles at UN
Chicago Workers End Sit-In at Closed Factory
Rumsfeld Responsible for Torture, Report Says
Analysts Urge Obama Not to Delay Action on Talks With Iran
Panel Criticizes US Effort on Nanomaterial Risks
US Agency Posts 'Most Wanted' List for Eco Crimes
White House Backs Down on Easing Air-Pollution Rules
Carter Urges Lebanon, Israel to 'Seize Opportunity to Work Toward Peace'
Gore 'Rules Out' Environment Job With Obama
Politics Still Reign Over Principles at UN
Chicago Workers End Sit-In at Closed Factory
December 10, 2008
Bush Last-Minute Rules Cement Environmental Legacy
Britain Says Most Troops to Leave Iraq
'Don't Leave Climate Change to the World Bank'
US Appeals Court Reconsiders Arar Suit Against Bush Officials
Workers Win a Big Round in Chicago Factory Sit-In
Obama Urged to Fund Watchdog Agencies
Laos Reaps Deadly Harvest
Musicians Don’t Want Tunes Used for Torture
Bush Last-Minute Rules Cement Environmental Legacy
Britain Says Most Troops to Leave Iraq
'Don't Leave Climate Change to the World Bank'
US Appeals Court Reconsiders Arar Suit Against Bush Officials
Workers Win a Big Round in Chicago Factory Sit-In
Obama Urged to Fund Watchdog Agencies
Laos Reaps Deadly Harvest
Musicians Don’t Want Tunes Used for Torture
December 9, 2008
Exxon Valdez Spill Payments Reach Claimants
Feds: Governor Tried to 'Auction' Obama's Seat
Bipartisan US Panel Offers Blueprint to Prevent Genocide
US Declines to Free Reuters Photographer in Iraq
Victims of Global Warming Could Sue Oil and Power Companies
US Contractors Charged in Massacre
Ill. Gov Blagojevich Arrested on Corruption Charges
Liberals Wonder When Obama’s Team Will Reflect Them
Prop. 8 Foes Set 'Day Without a Gay' Boycott
Too Late? Why Scientists Say We Should Expect the Worst
Exxon Valdez Spill Payments Reach Claimants
Feds: Governor Tried to 'Auction' Obama's Seat
Bipartisan US Panel Offers Blueprint to Prevent Genocide
US Declines to Free Reuters Photographer in Iraq
Victims of Global Warming Could Sue Oil and Power Companies
US Contractors Charged in Massacre
Ill. Gov Blagojevich Arrested on Corruption Charges
Liberals Wonder When Obama’s Team Will Reflect Them
Prop. 8 Foes Set 'Day Without a Gay' Boycott
Too Late? Why Scientists Say We Should Expect the Worst
December 8, 2008
In Factory Sit-In, an Anger Spread Wide
Halliburton Accused of Supplying Rotten Food to US Forces
Study: Some Tasers Deliver Bigger Jolt Than Manufacturer Claims Raising Risk of Cardiac Arrest
Homes with No People, People with No Homes
Civil Rights Group Claim Israeli Occupation is "Reminiscent of Apartheid"
Liberals Voice Concerns About Obama
People Power Vital to Climate Deal - British Minister
Construction Industry Could Trim Climate Emissions Cheaply
Next Stop on Gay Marriage Debate in Courts: Iowa
Blackwater Drama Unfolds on 2 Cross-Country Stages
Chicago Factory Layoffs Are a 'Wake-Up Call to America'
In Factory Sit-In, an Anger Spread Wide
Halliburton Accused of Supplying Rotten Food to US Forces
Study: Some Tasers Deliver Bigger Jolt Than Manufacturer Claims Raising Risk of Cardiac Arrest
Homes with No People, People with No Homes
Civil Rights Group Claim Israeli Occupation is "Reminiscent of Apartheid"
Liberals Voice Concerns About Obama
People Power Vital to Climate Deal - British Minister
Construction Industry Could Trim Climate Emissions Cheaply
Next Stop on Gay Marriage Debate in Courts: Iowa
Blackwater Drama Unfolds on 2 Cross-Country Stages
Chicago Factory Layoffs Are a 'Wake-Up Call to America'
December 7, 2008
Climate Protesters Demand Swifter UN Action
Spying on Pacifists, Environmentalists and Nuns
Hoax Phone Call 'Almost Took Pakistan to War'
Go Green: Algae Could Be Next Hot Biofuel
Angry Laid-Off Workers Occupy Factory in Chicago
Climate Protesters Demand Swifter UN Action
Spying on Pacifists, Environmentalists and Nuns
Hoax Phone Call 'Almost Took Pakistan to War'
Go Green: Algae Could Be Next Hot Biofuel
Angry Laid-Off Workers Occupy Factory in Chicago
December 6, 2008
Could Electric Cars Charge up Struggling Automakers?
5 Guards Face US Charges in Iraq Deaths
One Thriving Sector: The Business of War
Interest in Water Management Blossoms
Guns Will Be Allowed in National Parks
Pollution 'Could Kill as Many as Climate Change' Warns Met Office
Footage Shows Settlers Shooting Two Palestinians
Immunity Recedes for Private Contractors
Could Electric Cars Charge up Struggling Automakers?
5 Guards Face US Charges in Iraq Deaths
One Thriving Sector: The Business of War
Interest in Water Management Blossoms
Guns Will Be Allowed in National Parks
Pollution 'Could Kill as Many as Climate Change' Warns Met Office
Footage Shows Settlers Shooting Two Palestinians
Immunity Recedes for Private Contractors
December 5, 2008
Critics Rap MSNBC, Matthews
Cloak-and-Dagger, Inc.: The Secret World of Intelligence Outsourcing
Highest US Court Ponders Power Plants and Fish Protection
Study Finds Happiness Is Infectious
Community Organizers Attend Washington Event
Democrats Want a More Assertive Obama
Obama Copyright Move Cheers Advocacy Groups
Campaign Promises on Ending the War in Iraq Now Muted by Reality
Jobless Rate Rises to 6.7% as 533,000 Jobs Are Lost
Critics Rap MSNBC, Matthews
Cloak-and-Dagger, Inc.: The Secret World of Intelligence Outsourcing
Highest US Court Ponders Power Plants and Fish Protection
Study Finds Happiness Is Infectious
Community Organizers Attend Washington Event
Democrats Want a More Assertive Obama
Obama Copyright Move Cheers Advocacy Groups
Campaign Promises on Ending the War in Iraq Now Muted by Reality
Jobless Rate Rises to 6.7% as 533,000 Jobs Are Lost
December 4, 2008
Minnesota Senate Recount: Pendulum Swings to Franken
Electric Cars Put Hawaii on The Road to Independence
As More Eat Meat, a Bid to Cut Emissions
Adoption Ban Targets Gay Couples, Critics Say
Activists Slam World's "Grotesque Indifference" to DR Congo
Native Peoples Out in Cold at Warming Meet
Noisy, Acid Oceans Increasingly Harmful to Whales
Libya Complains of Israeli High Sea 'Piracy' to UN Council
Polish Fears Over US Defense Shield
Indiana Guardsmen Sue Defense Contractor KBR
Ret. Officers Urge Obama to Expunge "Stain of Torture"
Canada's PM Tries to Head Off Bid to Topple Him
Minnesota Senate Recount: Pendulum Swings to Franken
Electric Cars Put Hawaii on The Road to Independence
As More Eat Meat, a Bid to Cut Emissions
Adoption Ban Targets Gay Couples, Critics Say
Activists Slam World's "Grotesque Indifference" to DR Congo
Native Peoples Out in Cold at Warming Meet
Noisy, Acid Oceans Increasingly Harmful to Whales
Libya Complains of Israeli High Sea 'Piracy' to UN Council
Polish Fears Over US Defense Shield
Indiana Guardsmen Sue Defense Contractor KBR
Ret. Officers Urge Obama to Expunge "Stain of Torture"
Canada's PM Tries to Head Off Bid to Topple Him
December 3, 2008
UN Assembly Head Hailed for Blasting Israel
Beatings and Abuse Made Barack Obama’s Grandfather Loathe The British
Iraqi Guards Open Fire as Migrants Riot About Deportation
Military Contractor in Iraq Holds Foreign Workers in Warehouses
Bush Administration Faces New Challenges to Spying Powers
Forty Years on, Laos Reaps Bitter Harvest of The Secret War
Canada Oil Sands Seen Threatening Millions of Birds
Impeach Bush for Christmas
Toxic Toy Guide Lists Chemicals Found in Hundreds of Toys
Cluster Bomb Treaty: Signing Begins to Bring Ban on Production
EPA To Gut Mountaintop Mining Rule That Protects Streams
Odetta Holmes Dies at 77; Folk Singer Championed Black History, Civil
UN Assembly Head Hailed for Blasting Israel
Beatings and Abuse Made Barack Obama’s Grandfather Loathe The British
Iraqi Guards Open Fire as Migrants Riot About Deportation
Military Contractor in Iraq Holds Foreign Workers in Warehouses
Bush Administration Faces New Challenges to Spying Powers
Forty Years on, Laos Reaps Bitter Harvest of The Secret War
Canada Oil Sands Seen Threatening Millions of Birds
Impeach Bush for Christmas
Toxic Toy Guide Lists Chemicals Found in Hundreds of Toys
Cluster Bomb Treaty: Signing Begins to Bring Ban on Production
EPA To Gut Mountaintop Mining Rule That Protects Streams
Odetta Holmes Dies at 77; Folk Singer Championed Black History, Civil
December 2, 2008
Why is Single-Payer Health Reform Not Viable?
James L. Jones' Energy Views Worry Some Environmentalists
Outside Agitator: Naomi Klein and the New New Left
Youth Embarrassed By US Delegation at Climate Conference
Nations Prepare to Ban Cluster Bombs, which have Killed Civilians from Vietnam to Georgia
Leftist Coalition to Grab Power from Canada's Conservatives
Economic Crisis May 'Re-Ignite AIDS Epidemic'
Bush Quietly Passes Dozens of New Rules
30-Mile Debris Pile Becomes Symbol of FEMA Delays
Why is Single-Payer Health Reform Not Viable?
James L. Jones' Energy Views Worry Some Environmentalists
Outside Agitator: Naomi Klein and the New New Left
Youth Embarrassed By US Delegation at Climate Conference
Nations Prepare to Ban Cluster Bombs, which have Killed Civilians from Vietnam to Georgia
Leftist Coalition to Grab Power from Canada's Conservatives
Economic Crisis May 'Re-Ignite AIDS Epidemic'
Bush Quietly Passes Dozens of New Rules
30-Mile Debris Pile Becomes Symbol of FEMA Delays
December 1, 2008
Pentagon to Detail Troops to Bolster Domestic Security
Pleas For Sanity as Sabres Rattle Over Mumbai Mayhem
Consensus Emerging on Universal Healthcare
Obama Pledge on Treaties a Complex Undertaking
Lawyers Call for International Court for the Environment
Climate Change Juggernaut on the Horizon, UN Talks Told
Will Networks Ignore Military Analyst Report?
US Diluted Loan Rules Before Crash
Pentagon to Detail Troops to Bolster Domestic Security
Pleas For Sanity as Sabres Rattle Over Mumbai Mayhem
Consensus Emerging on Universal Healthcare
Obama Pledge on Treaties a Complex Undertaking
Lawyers Call for International Court for the Environment
Climate Change Juggernaut on the Horizon, UN Talks Told
Will Networks Ignore Military Analyst Report?
US Diluted Loan Rules Before Crash
Lame Duck Continues to Inflame Terrorism: Eland
Back to 'Globalism': Gordon Prather
Green Zone Theater and the Shoe Drama: Baroud
Two Dangerous Bush-Cheney Myths: Robert Parry
Gaza Voices, American Silence: Kenneth Ring
Pakistan Shifts Troops From Afghan Border to Indian Border Suspected Pakistan Terror Group Will Challenge UN Ban
Germany's Police, Military Bicker Over Whose Fault Afghan Mission Failure Is Study Criticizes Bush Approach to War Funding, Calls for Changes
Back to 'Globalism' The Shoe-Thrower Becomes an Issue in Iraq Election Homeland Security Forecasts 5-Year Terror Threats Musharraf: India Wouldn't Dare Attack US Surprised by Pakistani Move to Border Gaza Braces for Israeli Offensive Top Iraq Cleric Urges People to Vote in Provincial Poll Bill Clinton May Be Hillary's Special Envoy to India, Pakistan Aussie CEO Detained Under Terrorism Act for Filming Police Could Saber-Rattling Lead to War Between India and Pakistan? Military Adapting Wiimote for Combat Spain PM Says No More Troops for Afghanistan Pakistan Troop Reports Bad News for Terror Fight Two Dangerous Bush-Cheney Myths Unscripted: Green Zone Theater and the Shoe Drama Habeas Corpus Barely Saved Lame Duck Bush Administration Continues to Inflame Islamist Terrorism Gaza Voices, American Silence Out of Sight, Out of Mind Iraq Prison Revolt Leaves 16 Dead, Three al-Qaeda Escape Bush's $1 Trillion War on Terror: Even Costlier Than Expected Qaeda 'Emirs' Flee in Deadly Iraq Jailbreak Maliki Cancels Iran Trip Dismantling the Imperial Presidency
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Updated December 27, 2008 - 12:25 PM EST
Updated December 27, 2008 - 12:25 PM EST
Israel Strikes Gaza Police, 205 Dead
Obama on Gaza: 'No Comment'
Israel Says Gaza Operation Won't Wrap Up Quickly
Israel-Hamas Fight Could Escalate
US Condemns Hamas, Urges Israel to Avoid Civilian Casualties
Gaza Militants Call for Revenge Attacks on Israel
One Israeli Killed, Four Injured by Palestinian Rocket in West Negev
Cost of Bush's War on Terror Hits $1 Trillion
Study Criticizes Bush Approach to War Funding, Calls for Changes
Homeland Security Forecasts 5-Year Terror Threats
Pakistan Shifts Troops to Indian Border
Pakistan Troop Reports Bad News for US Terror Fight
US Surprised by Pakistani Move to Border
Could Saber-Rattling Lead to War Between India and Pakistan?
Suspected Pakistan Terror Group Will Challenge UN Ban
Iraq Prison Revolt: 16 Dead, 3 al-Qaeda Escape
Qaeda 'Emirs' Flee in Deadly Iraq Jailbreak
Saturday: 31 Iraqis Killed, 76 Wounded
German Police, Military Bicker Over Fault on Afghan Mission
Spain PM Says No More Troops for Afghanistan
Israel's Peres Urges Obama to Delay Talks With Iran
Dismantling the Imperial Presidency
Obama on Gaza: 'No Comment'
Israel Says Gaza Operation Won't Wrap Up Quickly
Israel-Hamas Fight Could Escalate
US Condemns Hamas, Urges Israel to Avoid Civilian Casualties
Gaza Militants Call for Revenge Attacks on Israel
One Israeli Killed, Four Injured by Palestinian Rocket in West Negev
Cost of Bush's War on Terror Hits $1 Trillion
Study Criticizes Bush Approach to War Funding, Calls for Changes
Homeland Security Forecasts 5-Year Terror Threats
Pakistan Shifts Troops to Indian Border
Pakistan Troop Reports Bad News for US Terror Fight
US Surprised by Pakistani Move to Border
Could Saber-Rattling Lead to War Between India and Pakistan?
Suspected Pakistan Terror Group Will Challenge UN Ban
Iraq Prison Revolt: 16 Dead, 3 al-Qaeda Escape
Qaeda 'Emirs' Flee in Deadly Iraq Jailbreak
Saturday: 31 Iraqis Killed, 76 Wounded
German Police, Military Bicker Over Fault on Afghan Mission
Spain PM Says No More Troops for Afghanistan
Israel's Peres Urges Obama to Delay Talks With Iran
Dismantling the Imperial Presidency
by Ramzy Baroud
Gaza Voices, American Silence
Gaza Voices, American Silence
by Gordon Prather
Habeas Corpus Barely Saved
Habeas Corpus Barely Saved
by Sheldon Richman
More Viewpoints
Two Dangerous Bush-Cheney Mythsby Robert Parry
A 'Potent' Weapon of War NORAD Tracks Mr. Santa's Wild Ride
Read more
More Viewpoints
Two Dangerous Bush-Cheney Mythsby Robert Parry
A 'Potent' Weapon of War NORAD Tracks Mr. Santa's Wild Ride
Read more
Russia Selling Surface-To-Air Missiles to Libya,
Syria: Report
Israeli MP Demands Barak Be Indicted for Allowing Medicine Into Gaza
Bill Clinton May Be Hillary's Special Envoy to India, Pakistan
Maliki Cancels Iran Trip
Obama Aides Dismiss Reports of Upcoming Iraq Trip
Little Blue Pills Among the Ways CIA Wins Friends in Afghanistan
US Police Could Get 'Pain Beam' Weapons
The Shoe-Thrower Becomes an Issue in Iraq Election
Today in Iraq
Coalition Forces to Remain in Basra Airport's Military Section
Top Iraq Cleric Urges People to Vote in Provincial Poll
Troops in Iraq Mark Time, Holiday
56 Katyusha Launching Pads Seized in Mosul
Talabani, Barazani Discuss Separation of Parties From Govt
Iraq to Replace Martial Monuments With Peace Art
Friday: 26 Iraqis Killed, 18 Wounded
US Military
Military Adapting Wiimote for Combat
Military Tries to Make Base Growth More Green
'War on Terror'
Australia May Take Guantánamo Detainees: Report
Bush Calls Gitmo Just to Say Thanks
Aussie CEO Detained Under Terrorism Act for Filming Police
Israel Opens Gaza Border for Humanitarian Aid
Expecting Israeli Offensive in Gaza, Egypt Boosts Border Security
Palestinian Rocket Misfires, Kills Two Girls in Gaza
Fierce Santas Do Battle With Israeli Security Forces in West Bank
Orgy for Peace Cancelled in Tel Aviv Over Threats
Leftists Rally in Tel Aviv to Protest Impending Gaza Attack
Report: Iran Preps Humanitarian Aid Ship to Gaza Strip
UN Steps Up Lebanon Border Patrols After Rockets Found
Lebanon Festive for Now, but Tough Issues Ahead
Syria Raises Flag Over Embassy in Beirut
PM: Pakistan Will Not Strike First
Musharraf: India Wouldn't Dare Attack
Pakistan Cancels Troops' Leave Over India Tension
Two Girls Killed in Balochistan Bomb Blast
US Urges India, Pakistan to Avoid Raising Tensions
Violence in Indian Kashmir Lowest in Two Decades
Tens of Thousands Mark Bhutto's Death Anniversary
India Warns Citizens It Is Unsafe to Travel to Pakistan
US-Led Forces Kill 11 Taliban in Southern Afghanistan
Three Foreigners Hurt in Afghan Suicide Attack
Canadian Soldier Killed by Blast in Afghanistan
Four Afghan Children Killed, Six Wounded Playing With Unexploded Mortar Shell
China, Taiwan Sign Oil Cooperation Deals
9 Killed in Rebel Attacks in Philippines
Bangladesh to Protest Violation of Indian Ships
Serbia Arrests 'Ex-KLA Fighters'
Islamic Revival Tests Bosnia's Secular Cast
Somalis Held in Ethiopia Capital
Israeli MP Demands Barak Be Indicted for Allowing Medicine Into Gaza
Bill Clinton May Be Hillary's Special Envoy to India, Pakistan
Maliki Cancels Iran Trip
Obama Aides Dismiss Reports of Upcoming Iraq Trip
Little Blue Pills Among the Ways CIA Wins Friends in Afghanistan
US Police Could Get 'Pain Beam' Weapons
The Shoe-Thrower Becomes an Issue in Iraq Election
Today in Iraq
Coalition Forces to Remain in Basra Airport's Military Section
Top Iraq Cleric Urges People to Vote in Provincial Poll
Troops in Iraq Mark Time, Holiday
56 Katyusha Launching Pads Seized in Mosul
Talabani, Barazani Discuss Separation of Parties From Govt
Iraq to Replace Martial Monuments With Peace Art
Friday: 26 Iraqis Killed, 18 Wounded
US Military
Military Adapting Wiimote for Combat
Military Tries to Make Base Growth More Green
'War on Terror'
Australia May Take Guantánamo Detainees: Report
Bush Calls Gitmo Just to Say Thanks
Aussie CEO Detained Under Terrorism Act for Filming Police
Israel Opens Gaza Border for Humanitarian Aid
Expecting Israeli Offensive in Gaza, Egypt Boosts Border Security
Palestinian Rocket Misfires, Kills Two Girls in Gaza
Fierce Santas Do Battle With Israeli Security Forces in West Bank
Orgy for Peace Cancelled in Tel Aviv Over Threats
Leftists Rally in Tel Aviv to Protest Impending Gaza Attack
Report: Iran Preps Humanitarian Aid Ship to Gaza Strip
UN Steps Up Lebanon Border Patrols After Rockets Found
Lebanon Festive for Now, but Tough Issues Ahead
Syria Raises Flag Over Embassy in Beirut
PM: Pakistan Will Not Strike First
Musharraf: India Wouldn't Dare Attack
Pakistan Cancels Troops' Leave Over India Tension
Two Girls Killed in Balochistan Bomb Blast
US Urges India, Pakistan to Avoid Raising Tensions
Violence in Indian Kashmir Lowest in Two Decades
Tens of Thousands Mark Bhutto's Death Anniversary
India Warns Citizens It Is Unsafe to Travel to Pakistan
US-Led Forces Kill 11 Taliban in Southern Afghanistan
Three Foreigners Hurt in Afghan Suicide Attack
Canadian Soldier Killed by Blast in Afghanistan
Four Afghan Children Killed, Six Wounded Playing With Unexploded Mortar Shell
China, Taiwan Sign Oil Cooperation Deals
9 Killed in Rebel Attacks in Philippines
Bangladesh to Protest Violation of Indian Ships
Serbia Arrests 'Ex-KLA Fighters'
Islamic Revival Tests Bosnia's Secular Cast
Somalis Held in Ethiopia Capital
China's Navy to Join Pirate Patrols
Zimbabwe Has 'No Intention' of Releasing Activists
Lawyer: Zimbabwe Activist Held in Notorious Prison
Why Guinea's People Welcomed the Coup
Rock-Thowing Children Wound UN Peacekeeper in Darfur
More News
Justin Raimondo12/24/2008Here Come the Progressives!
Ivan Eland12/27/2008Lame Duck Bush Administration Continues to Inflame Islamist Terrorism
Doug Bandow12/26/2008Peace on Earth: Once a Year?
Nebojsa Malic12/25/2008Beginning of the End
David R. Henderson12/24/2008Silent Night
Alan Bock12/22/2008A Legacy of Evil
Praful Bidwai12/21/2008New Anti-Terror Laws Draconian Say Activists
Charles Peña12/17/2008Not Home for the Holidays, Again
Philip Giraldi12/16/2008Israel's 'Get Out of Jail Free' Card
Sascha Matuszak11/10/2008Business Over Bluster
Ran HaCohen11/07/2008Black Israeli Voices on Obama's Victory
Additional Contributors
Ehsan AhrariUri AvneryMatthew BarganierPatrick J. BuchananJuan ColeJonathan Cook Christopher DelisoSibel EdmondsTom EngelhardtMike EwensJoshua FrankAaron GlantzLeon HadarJorge HirschScott Horton Dahr JamailKathy KellyWilliam S. LindJim LobeRay McGovernThomas Gale MooreBrendan O'Neill Rep. Ron PaulJohn PilgerMurray PolnerGareth PorterGordon PratherCharley ReesePaul Craig RobertsMark RothschildMichael Scheuer Norman SolomonPaul SperryJoseph Stromberg Jon Basil UtleyJude WanniskiTeresa WhitehurstAndy Worthington
More Columnists
Zimbabwe Has 'No Intention' of Releasing Activists
Lawyer: Zimbabwe Activist Held in Notorious Prison
Why Guinea's People Welcomed the Coup
Rock-Thowing Children Wound UN Peacekeeper in Darfur
More News
Justin Raimondo12/24/2008Here Come the Progressives!
Ivan Eland12/27/2008Lame Duck Bush Administration Continues to Inflame Islamist Terrorism
Doug Bandow12/26/2008Peace on Earth: Once a Year?
Nebojsa Malic12/25/2008Beginning of the End
David R. Henderson12/24/2008Silent Night
Alan Bock12/22/2008A Legacy of Evil
Praful Bidwai12/21/2008New Anti-Terror Laws Draconian Say Activists
Charles Peña12/17/2008Not Home for the Holidays, Again
Philip Giraldi12/16/2008Israel's 'Get Out of Jail Free' Card
Sascha Matuszak11/10/2008Business Over Bluster
Ran HaCohen11/07/2008Black Israeli Voices on Obama's Victory
Additional Contributors
Ehsan AhrariUri AvneryMatthew BarganierPatrick J. BuchananJuan ColeJonathan Cook Christopher DelisoSibel EdmondsTom EngelhardtMike EwensJoshua FrankAaron GlantzLeon HadarJorge HirschScott Horton Dahr JamailKathy KellyWilliam S. LindJim LobeRay McGovernThomas Gale MooreBrendan O'Neill Rep. Ron PaulJohn PilgerMurray PolnerGareth PorterGordon PratherCharley ReesePaul Craig RobertsMark RothschildMichael Scheuer Norman SolomonPaul SperryJoseph Stromberg Jon Basil UtleyJude WanniskiTeresa WhitehurstAndy Worthington
More Columnists
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