۸ هواداران داعش سربازان سوری را زیر دست و پا به قتل رساندند و اجساد آنها را با موتور در شهر چرخاندند

Beaten to death by the mob: Hundreds of savage ISIS supporters swarm over Syrian prisoners as they kick them to death before their corpses are dragged through the streets Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2959934/Beaten-death-mob-Hundreds-savage-ISIS-supporters-swarm-Syrian-prisoners-kick-death-corpses-dragged-streets.html#ixzz3SGy6CwTv Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
A sickening new video has emerged showing hundreds of savage supporters of the Islamic State kicking, punching and stamping three terrified Syrian soldiers to death before dragging their bloodied corpses through the streets chained to the back of motorcycles.
The barbaric footage is believed to have been filmed in the terror group’s de facto capital Raqqa and bears all the chilling hallmarks of ISIS› professionally produced and edited propaganda films.
The gruesome killing of three Syrian soldiers is just the latest in a long line of horrific filmed murders released by the Sunni Islamists since last summer’s self-declaration of a caliphate in the vast areas of Syria and Iraq they control through a campaign of rape, massacre and brutal oppression.
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Savage: The bloodthirsty crowd is seen being unleashed on the men, surging forward and raining down kicks, punches and beatings with whatever objects are close at hand

Gisly: After being kicked to death, the men’s bodies are dragged through the centre of the city of Raqqa

Fear: The three prisoners are seen on their knees in the centre of a circle of militants, who link arms to hold back the throng of young men intent on taking part in the particularly savage triple murder

Horror: The video begins by a bearded cleric breathlessly reading out charges against three Syrian soldiers
ISIS› latest shocking murder video begins by showing hundreds of baying, bloodthirsty supporters of the terror group gathering in central Raqqa where a bearded cleric is seen breathlessly reading out charges against three Syrian soldiers dressed in military fatigues.
Laughing children are seen clambering on walls and on to the shoulders of their grinning fathers to get a better view of proceedings, while a large group of niqab-wearing women gather nearby.