My good Peace Lover friends,read this e-mail from a peace,humanist activist jews coupl:Maxine and Ned.
And I,condemn the criminality of right wing,warmongers of ISRAEL.--- On Thu, 1/1/09, Ned Rosch/Maxine Fookson <rofo@teleport.com> wrote:
From: Ned Rosch/Maxine
Fookson Subject: Fwd:
This Friday downtown Portland at 4:30. Bring old shoes.To: "Maxine Fookson" Date: Thursday, January 1, 2009, 11:57 AM
Dear friends,
Sadly, we begin the new year with a heart-wrenching crisis. We, as American Jews, feel the need to speak out on the crisis in Gaza.
We reach out to you -- Portlanders whose hearts weep from seeing the wounds of war during our recent time with Mustafa. We call out to stop this madness of war. Gaza is now besieged by bombs. Does anyone really think that Israel will increase its security by bombing the starving and imprisoned Palestinians of Gaza? Israel refuses to allow food, water, fuel, medicines and humanitarian aid in. Wounded and dying children (and so many innocent people) lie in hospitals where even basic supplies do not exist. Like Mustafa and hundreds of thousands like him, it is children who are suffering. Mustafa’s parents’ dreams for their child to have a healthy and happy childhood were shattered by the Iraq war. We connected so deeply with that pain—as any parent would. How many more Mustafas and shattered dreams must our taxes pay for?
There is a way out of this cycle of violence, of madness, of despair. Ultimately, how the situation between the Palestinians and Israelis gets resolved must be determined by them (one state/two states...), however there are basic starting points that we, as Americans, can demand of our leaders:
1. Immediate and complete cease fire.
2. Open the borders and end the sanctions immediately so that the people of Gaza can live.
3. Cease the U.S. unequivocal support of Israel. It is NOT being anti-Israel (in fact, it is in Israel's best interest) to demand that their government negotiate earnestly.
4. The international community needs to initiate an effective political process to end the Israeli occupation and to bring about a just peace – one that reflects the will and highest aspirations of both the Israeli and Palestinian peoples.
We urge you to join the protest this Friday (see below!)
In peace,
Maxine & Ned
PLEASE DISTRIBUTE WIDELY. PROTEST GAZA MASSACRE! This Friday downtown Portland at 4:30. Bring old shoes.Many thanks to all who joined the emergency demonstration in downtown Portland yesterday and showed solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Gaza who are steadfast in their resistance to Israel's criminal occupation and war of starvation, imprisonment and bombardment.BUT THE BOMBARDMENT CONTINUES AND ISRAELI TANKS ARE SITTING AT GAZA'S BORDER READY TO ATTACK. THIS HORRIFIC SITUATION DEMANDS THAT WE TAKE ACTION AGAIN!PLEASE JOIN US THIS FRIDAY, JANUARY 2ND at 4:30 PM, DOWNTOWN PORTLAND ACROSS FROM THE FEDERAL BUILDING AT S.W. 3RD AND MADISON.Bring your old shoes to throw them at a huge picture of George Bush and any politician who remains silent in the face of Israel's crimes against the Palestinian people.Are you listening Senator Wyden? Are you listening Jeff Merkley? Are you listening Congressmen Wu, Blumenhauer, Defazio, Walden, and congressman-elect Schrader. Are you listening President elect Obama?BRING YOUR OLD SHOES to S.W. 3rd and Madison
Friday January 2nd at 4:30.