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james petras


New Essays
Israel Asserting Middle East Supremacy: From Gaza to Tehranz

.0130.2009 Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany bombed, invaded and annexed countries and territories as a prelude to their quest for World Empire. Israel’s drive for regional dominance has followed in their footsteps, imitating their style:
The Art of Plain Speaking

: Electric Politics 01.27.2009 [Audio] George Kenney asks James Petras about the 'Israel Lobby,' what's behind it, what makes it different than the tobacco lobby, the NRA, or the AARP. Total runtime fifty six minutes. Latin America: Perspectives for Socialism in a Time of a World Capitalist Recession/Depression
01.20.2009 A serious discussion of the perspectives for socialism in Latin America today requires several levels of analysis, moving from world economic conditions, to US-Latin American relations, to their specific impact on Latin America.
Venezuela: Socialism, Democracy and the Re-Election of President Chavez
01.08.2009 On February 15, 2009, Venezuelan voters will go to the polls in order to vote on a constitutional referendum, which would allow for the indefinite re-election of the President.
The Politics of An Israeli Extermination Campaign: Backers, Apologists and Arms Suppliers
01.02.2009 Because of the unconditional support of the entire political class in the US, from the White House to Congress, including both Parties, incoming and outgoing elected officials and all the principle print and electronic mass media, the Israeli Government feels no compunction in publicly proclaiming a detailed and graphic account of its policy of mass extermination of the population of Gaza.
Bernard Madoff: Wall Street Swindler Strikes Powerful Blows for Social Justice
12.19.2008 Wall Street broker Bernard (‘Bernie’) Madoff, former president of NASDAQ, revered and respected investor confessed to pulling off the biggest fraud in history, a $50 billion dollar scam. Bernie was known for his generous philanthropy, especially to Zionist, Jewish and Israeli causes.
Barack Obama: "America’s First Jewish President"
12.12.2008 According to a nationally prominent Zionist spokesperson, former Congressman, Federal Judge, White House Counsel to President Bill Clinton and early backer of Obama, Abner Mikvner, “Barack Obama is the first Jewish President”.
A Historic Moment: The Election of the Greatest Con-Man in Recent History
12.06.2008 The entire political spectrum ranging from the ‘libertarian’ left, through the progressive editors of the Nation to the entire far right neo-con/Zionist war party and free market Berkeley/Chicago/Harvard academics, with a single voice, hailed the election of Barack Obama as a ‘historic moment’, a ‘turning point in American history and other such histrionics.
The Great Land Giveaway: Neo-Colonialism by Invitation

12.01.2008 Colonial style empire-building is making a huge comeback, and most of the colonialists are late-comers, elbowing their way past the established European and US predators

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