همبستگي ملي: گسترش دموكراسي ازتهران تا دمشق ضرورت حتمي صلح و ثبات در خاورميانه است خانم مريم رجوي، رئيس جمهور برگزيده مقاومت، شركت گسترده مردم عراق در انتخابات پارلمان اين كشور را تبريك گفت و و ابراز اميدواري كرد كه مردم عراق به يك دولت دمكراتيك و مستقل دست پيدا كنند. خانم مريم رجوي رئيس جمهور برگزيده مقاومت ايران شركت گسترده مردم عراق در انتخابات پارلمان اين كشور را به مردم و نيروهاي دمكراتيك و ميهن پرست عراق تبريك گفت و گسترش دموكراسي ازتهران تا دمشق را ضرورت حتمي صلح و ثبات در خاورميانه توصيف كرد. خانم رجوي انزجار مردم عراق از رژيم حاكم بر ايران و تكرار تجربه حاكميت استبدادي ديني در عراق را يكي از برجسته ترين ويژگيهاي انتخابات اخير خواند و ابراز اميدواري كرد كه مردم عراق به يك دولت دمكراتيك و مستقل دست پيدا كنند

One of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's first acts upon taking the gavel was to rule impeachment off the table. She wanted Democrats to focus on challenging the president on the war and on kitchen table concerns - from energy to education to health care. With Democrats now enjoying an increasing margin in generic polls and looking towards gaining seats in both the House and the Senate, the strategy certainly hasn't hurt politically.
But the constitutional implications are far more disturbing. This was dramatized as the Congress debated the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act reform legislation that will provide retroactive immunity to the telecommunications companies for warrantless interception of the conversations of Americans - and by implication, retroactive acceptance of the president's authority to order such wiretaps.
We have witnessed a staggering abuse of power by President Bush. Even former Bush Justice Department officials now charge him with trampling the Constitution. Bush has claimed the prerogative to declare an endless war without congressional approval, to designate someone an enemy without cause, to proceed to wiretap them without warrant, arrest or kidnap them at will, jail them without a hearing, hold them indefinitely, interrogate them intensively (read torture), bring them to trial outside the U.S. court system. He claims that executive privilege exempts his aides - even the aides of his aides and his vice president's aides - from congressional investigation. He claims the right to amend or negate congressional laws with a statement upon
But the constitutional implications are far more disturbing. This was dramatized as the Congress debated the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act reform legislation that will provide retroactive immunity to the telecommunications companies for warrantless interception of the conversations of Americans - and by implication, retroactive acceptance of the president's authority to order such wiretaps.
We have witnessed a staggering abuse of power by President Bush. Even former Bush Justice Department officials now charge him with trampling the Constitution. Bush has claimed the prerogative to declare an endless war without congressional approval, to designate someone an enemy without cause, to proceed to wiretap them without warrant, arrest or kidnap them at will, jail them without a hearing, hold them indefinitely, interrogate them intensively (read torture), bring them to trial outside the U.S. court system. He claims that executive privilege exempts his aides - even the aides of his aides and his vice president's aides - from congressional investigation. He claims the right to amend or negate congressional laws with a statement upon
signing them. And much more.
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