۱۳۸۸ فروردین ۷, جمعه

اتوبوس‌های زنانه مردانه در اورشليم!!

7فروردين :رفتاری شبيه دولت‌های ايران و عربستان سعودی در قبال زنان صدای آلمان:
بخشی از زندگی روزمره‌ی مردم اورشليم و به ويژه زنان، تابع سليقه يهوديان افراطی است. آن‌ها پيش از اين آواز خواندن زنان در جشن‌های عمومی را ممنوع کرده‌ بودند و اينک در آخرين تلاش، جداسازی زنان در اتوبوس‌ها را دنبال مي‌کنند. آن دسته از زنان اورشليم که در محله مابين ديوار ندبه و شهر قديمی زندگی مي‌کنند، مجبورند از در عقب اتوبوس، سوار آن شوند و محل نشستن آنها نيز قسمت پشتی اتوبوس است. اين تصميم را يهوديان سنتی و افراطی محله گرفته‌اند. اسراييلي‌های سکولار در قبال اين تصميم ارتدوکس‌ها، تنها سر تکان مي‌دهند ولی وزير ترابري، خشم خود را از اين جداسازی جنسيتی بيان کرده است. خط مجانی برای تشويق مسافران اين خط جديد اتوبوس، توسط يک شرکت خصوصی راه‌اندازی شده است.

يهوديان متعصب، نشستن زنان و مردان غريبه در کنار هم در اتوبوس را مجاز نمي‌دانند. پيش از اين ارتدوکس‌ها تلاش کرده بودند خط دولتی شماره ۲ را نيز که از همين مسير مي‌گذرد، زنانه

� مردانه کنند اما اين تلاش با مقاومت مسئولان شبکه دولتی مواجه شده بود. تاکنون تنها اتوبوس‌هايی زنانه مردانه شده‌اند که يا مورد استفاده توريست‌ها نيستند يا مسيرشان مراکز گردشگری نيست.

روند زنانه مردانه شدن خط شماره ۲ اورشليم، خزنده و گام به گام بود. نخست اعلام شد که صندلي‌های عقبي، برای خانم‌ها رزرو شده‌اند و البته اين به آن معنا نبود که بانوان حتما روی آن صندلي‌ها مي‌نشستند.

بارها شد که يهوديان افراطي، زنان را بخاطر خودداری از رفتن به بخش زنانه يا همنشينی با يک مرد در جلوی اتوبوس، مورد توهين قرار دادند.

مبتکران راه‌اندازی اين خط، برای تشويق مسافران از آنها کرايه نمي‌گيرند.

شبيه ايران وعربستان سعودی اما اکثريت سکولار اسراييل، خشم ونگرانی خود از اين اقدام‌ها را با بحث‌های اينترنتی يا تلويزيونی بيان مي‌کند. آن‌ها يهوديان ارتدوکس را متهم به رفتاری شبيه دولت‌های ايران و عربستان سعودی در قبال زنان مي‌کنند. جنجال ناشی از جداسازی جنسيتی دراتوبوس، بحث‌های مربوط به حدود مذهب در جامعه اسراييل را دامن زده است. مثلا کار کردن در روز شنبه، روز تعطيل هفتگی يهوديان، ممنوع است. در اين روز که يهوديان به آن "شبات" مي‌گويند، وسايل نقليه شهری نيز کار نمي‌کنند. ممنوعيت هرگونه کار در روز شنبه، از جمله به مختل شدن کار بسياری هتل‌ها مي‌انجامد. مذهبي‌های افراطي، فروشگاه‌های نزديک ديوار ندبه را از روزنامه‌های سکولار حاوی تصاوير غيرمذهبي، خالی مي‌کنند. آنها به فروشگاه‌های مواد خوراکی سر مي‌زنند تا مبادا گوشت غيرکاشر(ذبح شرعی يهوديان)، به فروش برسانند. آنان حتی مانع از حضور يا هنرنمايی زنان در جشن‌های فرهنگی مي‌شوند. ترک اورشليم بخاطر فشار مذهب اعمال اين محدوديت‌ها به نام مذهب، سکولارهای اسراييل را آشفته کرده است. به نقل از نشريه "هاآرتص" ظرف ۵ سال گذشته، دستکم ۶۰ هزار اسراييلی که اکثرشان جوان بوده‌اند،

اورشليم را ترک گفته‌اند.

بسياری خانواده‌ها به دليل فشارهای مذهبي، تل آويو را برای زندگی انتخاب کرده‌ و از اورشليم رفته‌اند. يکی ديگر از کوشش‌های يهوديان ارتدوکس، سرمايه‌گذاری برای مدارس خصوصی است تا آموزه‌های دينی را به کودکان ۶ تا ۱۴ ساله منتقل کنند. به نقل از "هاآرتص"، اين تلاش به گونه‌ای است که امکان دارد ظرف هفت سال آينده، شمار مدارس مذهبی خصوصی سه برابر مدارس دولتی شود. سکنه سکولار اورشليم در نوامبر سال گذشته اميد اندکی به بهبود اوضاع پيدا کرده بودند. شهردار ارتدوکس اورشليم پس از ۵ سال کنار رفت و يک ناسيوناليست جای او را گرفت. روزنامه‌ها در آن زمان از يک پيروزی تاريخی بر مذهبي‌های افراطی نوشتند. اما اينک زنان همان روزنامه‌نگاران بايد از در عقب اتوبوس‌ها سوار شوند.
7 فروردین 1388

لیست حساب بانکی رهبر، آیات عظام و حجج اسلام و... در بانک های اروپا


لیست حساب بانکی رهبر، آیات عظام و حجج اسلام و... در بانک های اروپا
foreign bank accounts of Iranian leaders

This was re- posted on daneshjoo.org
Interesting, although I am not sure if it’s true.Supposedly in August Bank employees in Iran sent this partial list outside f the country, if it’s true, it’s sad that our people don’t have safe water or enough food and the oil money is being hoarded by these supposed men of Islam....What do u guys think

On August 2000, a group of Iranian banks employees revealed the financial frauds of most Islamic republic's regime leaders and published part of their assets in foreign banks.
Based on this report sent to outside Iran, which made start indirectly a series of Public statements printed in many Iranian and Foreign Newspapers, Millions of dollars of Public funds have been transferred during the last 15 years while the Islamic leader (on this list) is asking for an investigation on Official corruption and his regime for more loans to

supposedly help the Iranian economy
Already and based on a scandal which shook the regime in 1997

Morteza Rafighdoost, brother of Mohsen Rafighdoost head of the Janbazan Foundation was indicted in connection with a

Financial fraud of over 100 BILLIONS of Tomans

(3 BILLIONS of US Dollars in official exchange rate and as most malversations were done based on Official rates which is a privilege of
Governmental foundations).
Irony is that Mohsen Rafighdoost still at the head of the Foundation nowadays.
The partial list was as follow:
Ali Khamenei
- Sparkasse Bank (Frankfurt/Germany) Acct.# 234075617: DM 112.1 Millions- Corner Bank (Geneve/CH) Acct. # 217824: US$ 97 Millions - Banque Cantonale (Lausanne/CH) Acct. # 71713: US$
73.2 Millions

Ali Akbar Hashemi Rasfandjani-
Union Bank Suisse (Geneve/CH) Acct.# 223870390: SF 532.5 Millions- Societe Generale (Zurich/CH) Acct.# 30064183: DM 477.2 Millions-
Sparkasse (Ciborg/Germany) Acct. # 2957132: DM 238.2 Millions

Mohammad Ali Tasskhiri
- Societe Generale (Geneve/Ch) Acct.# 500032654: DM 280.7 Millions- Midland Bank (London/UK) Acct.# 832-150270: BP 12.2 Millions- Dressdner bank (Dusserdolf/Germany) Acct.# 8354783: DM 48.3 Millions
4 )
Mohammad Golpayegani
- Credit Bank Suisse (Geneve/CH) Acct.# CEO7680: SF 85.7 Millions
Bijan Namdar Zangene
- Union Bank Suisse (Geneve/CH) Acct.#
314380320: US$ 141.7 Millions

Habibollah Asgar Aladi
- Corner Bank (Geneve/CH) Acct. # 3983BHK: US$ 180 Millions
Ahmad Jannati
- Midland Bank (London/UK) Acct.# 92114016: BP 54.2 Millions
Abdollah Nategh Nouri-
Union Banque Suisse (Geneve/CH) Acct.# 2102120321ND: USD 123.9 Millions- Deutsh bank (Hamburg/Germany) Acct.# 03223486: DM 64.1

Mohsen Rafighdoost:
- Union Banque Suisse (Geneve/CH) Acct.# 2183130687: USD 122.7
Mohsen Hashemi Bahremani
- Deutsh bank (Munchen 3/Germany) Acct.# 1732736: DM 370.7 Millions- Credit Bank (Geneve/CH) Acct.# 928530FC: USD 178.2 Millions 11)
Abbas Vaez-Tabassi
- Corner Bank (Geneve/CH) Acct.# FAH7272: SF 97.2 Millions - Sparkasse (Hamburg/Germany) Acct #. DFH72251660: USD 216.7 Millions
Hossein Shariatmadari
- Midland Bank (London/UK) Acct.# 34414011: BP 37.8 Millions
Mohsen Rezai
- Union Banque Suisse (Geneve/CH) Acct.# 442760430: USD 78.2 Millions- Credit Bank (Geneve/CH) Acct.# FAH7967: SF 52.7 Millions
Massood Movahedian
- Commerz Bank (Koln/Germany) Acct.# 3528817: DM 287.8 Millions
Kamal Kharrazi
- Corner Bank (Geneve/CH) Acct.# AMF4567: USD 18.2 Millions
Ali-Reza Mo-ayeri
Societe Generale (Geneve/CH) Acct.# 50024814: USD12.6 Millions
Hossein Kordi-
Corner Bank (Geneve/CH) Acct.#14710025: USD 14.7 Millions
Abbas-Ali Forooghi-
Corner Bank (Geneve/CH) Acct.# 12930034: USD 10.7 Millions
Mohammad Hashemi
- Deutsh Bank (Munich 3/Germany) Acct.# 1734726: DM 177.2 Millions


waters that cross borders:

B'TSELEM - The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights
World Water Day
– 22 March –
waters that cross borders
The UN’s sixteenth World Water Day, being commemorated today, is dedicated to cross-border waters. Israel and the Palestinians in the West Bank have two trans-border water systems. One is the aboveground Jordan water basin, which Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon also share. Israel prevents Palestinians any access to this water reservoir. The other is the Mountain Aquifer underground water system. The Mountain Aquifer, which crosses the Israeli and Palestinian borders, is the primary, largest, and highest quality water source for Israelis and Palestinians, providing 600 million cubic meters of water a year. Israel uses eighty percent of the output for its needs and allocates the remainder to the Palestinians.
oing laundry without running water, al-Maliah Village, Tubas District.
Photo: Atef Abu a-Rub, 23 March 2009
Discriminatory and unfair division of the shared water sources creates a chronic water shortage in the West Bank. Average per capita daily water consumption of Palestinians in the West Bank is two-thirds of the amount recommended by the World Health Organization. Due to the shortage, many Palestinians have to buy water from tankers at three to six times higher than regular prices, forcing poor families to spend up to one-fifth of their income on water, compared to the slightly more than one percent that average-income Israeli families spend on water.
Avg. Daily Water Needed per Person in cubic meters
* Recomende Miniumumaccording to the World Health Organization (WHO)
The water shortage West Bank is aggravated in drought years, as occurred last year, or in arid years, like this year. The water shortage is not felt in household use or allocation of water to residents of Israel or to settlers in the West Bank.
An extreme example of the inequality is seen in the average daily per capita water consumption of the 396 settlers living in Pnei Hever, in Hebron District (194 liters), compared to the figure for the 70,000 Palestinians living in the eight kilometers away in the town of Yatta 27liters).
Cost of Ten cubicper family
meters per Household

recentage of monthly
expanditure on water
The water shortage in the West Bank also results from the neglect in building water infrastructure and the handling of sewage in the West Bank during the course of the Israeli occupation. Even after establishment of the Palestinian Authority, and transfer of the responsibility for the Palestinian water economy into the hands of the Palestinians, Israel, which currently controls sixty percent of the land area of the West Bank, makes it difficult for the Palestinian Authority to carry out plans to build and improve water infrastructure. In 2008, 227,500 Palestinians, in 220 towns and villages were not connected to a water network. Another 190,000 Palestinians live in towns and villages in which a water network covered only part of the community. The old infrastructure results in the loss of two-thirds of the water running through the network, three times the average water loss in water networks in Israel. The lack of regular treatment of most Palestinian sewage in the West Bank prevents purification and use for agricultural irrigation needs.
The discriminatory and unfair division of shared water sources violates the right of Palestinians to water, sanitation, and health. In addition, Israel’s policy violates the rights of Palestinians to gain a livelihood, by preventing development of the agricultural sector, one of the most
:important branches of the Palestinian economy.
More statistics
Average daily use for flushing toilets in Israel: 55-60 liters
Average daily use for taking showers in Israel: 55-60 liters.
Average daily per capita water consumption for the 48,000 residents of
Tubas District, in the northeastern West Bank, is 30 liters
Average daily per capita water consumption for the 175 settlers in Beka’ot, in the Jordan Valley, twelve kilometers southeast of Tubas, is
401 liters
Average daily per capita water consumption for the 180,000 residents of Bethlehem District, south of Jerusalem, is 71 liters
Average daily per capita water consumption for the 7,714 residents of the Efrat settlement, which lies 6.5 kilometers east of Bethlehem, consume
an average of 217 liters.
Yatta Municipality; The Israel Water Authority,
"Water allocations for 2008 for administrative area – in thousands of cubic meters, household water flow, water tariffs in local authorities and water and sewage corporations"; Palestinian Water Authority; Israel Central Bureau of Statistics, Local Authorities in Israel 2006; Palestinian Hydrology Group," Water for Life: The Dilemma of Development Under Occupation",
"2006"; Wikipedia.

Sharp rise in reports of military and policeviolence towards Palestinians

B'TSELEM - The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights
24 March '09: Since Operation
“Cast Lead”:
Sharp rise in reports of military and police violence towards Palestinians
Since the beginning of Operation “Cast Lead” at the end of 2008, there has been a sharp rise in reports of violence perpetrated by security forces against Palestinians in the West Bank. During this nearly three-month period, B'Tselem documented 24 cases in which police officers and soldiers beat Palestinians, using rifle butts, clubs and other means of injury. 16 of the cases were especially serious and their victims suffered heavier injuries. As it is impossible for B'Tselem to document each and every case of violence by security forces in the West Bank, the above figures necessarily reflect only a portion of the violent incidents that actually occurred, and it is likely that other attacks went unreported.
The documented cases took place throughout the West Bank – some at checkpoints, others in Palestinian homes, and some on roadways. In one case, testimonies given to B'Tselem indicate that soldiers stopped Na’im ‘Awad at the Huwara checkpoint and beat him. His brother, Muhammad, arrived at the checkpoint by chance and asked the soldiers why they were beating his brother. An argument ensued between him and one of the soldiers, who then slammed him hard in the head with his rifle butt, causing him irreparable speech damage and weakness on the right side of his body.
In another case, soldiers encountered a Palestinian by the side of the road next to Tuqu’ and beat him for several minutes. The victim, Majed Hajahjeh, related in his testimony:
They beat me all over my body, especially my head. I covered my head with my hands to protect myself. My hands were bloody from the blood from my head. I went down onto my knees and cried out in pain. The soldiers continued to beat me with clubs and to kick me in the neck, back, and hands. My right hand hurt in particular. It hurt so much, I thought I was going to die. (to read the full testimony click
Later in his testimony, Hajahjeh stated that the soldiers had left him lying by the road, bleeding, his arm broken.
B'Tselem referred all the documented cases to the law-enforcement authorities – the Judge Advocate General’s Office and the Department for the Investigation of Police, in the Ministry of Justice. Although some of the cases occurred more than two months ago, the authorities have yet to complete the investigation in even one case.
In a letter to the commander of the IDF forces in the West Bank, B'Tselem called attention to this grave situation and demanded that the defense establishment take immediate action to stop the phenomenon of violence by security forces. Toward this end, the organization called for swift, effective investigation of the documented cases and for measures to be taken against the persons found responsible.
For some time, violence of varying intensity by police and soldiers has been part of daily Palestinian life in the West Bank. Although Israeli officials condemn beating and abuse of Palestinians and rush to disassociate themselves from such acts, the law-enforcement authorities refrain from carrying out serious investigations of reported incidents and from prosecuting the perpetrators, rarely taking any measures against them.
Since the outbreak of the second intifada, in September 2000, B'Tselem has forwarded to the authorities complaints regarding 345 offenses of violence by security forces. In only 14 of these cases, to B’Tselem’s knowledge, were disciplinary or criminal proceedings initiated against security forces.
On 20 March 2009, the press reported that indictments had been filed in a few cases of soldiers’ violence that occurred in the village of ‘Azzun ‘Atmah, in the Qalqiliya district, in May 2008, which B'Tselem reported to the Military Police Investigation Unit. The prosecution of the perpetrators in these cases is an exception to the rule.
The authorities’ policy relays to security forces in the field a clear message of contempt for Palestinians’ bodies and dignity and impunity from bearing the consequences of their acts.