۱۳۸۷ مهر ۹, سه‌شنبه

Arabs for Israel Home Arabs and Muslims who Support the State of Israel and the Cause of Peace in the Middle East

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Arabs for Israel Home
To Muslims and Arabs across the globe:
Reject hate, embrace love. Bring out the best in Islam by showing your compassion, gratitude and forgiveness. Make the holy land truly holy by giving Israel and the Jewish people the respect they deserve in their tiny little country. This is not a crisis over land. It is a crisis of the soul; a crisis in our faith, judgement and self confidence. Israel should not be regarded as an enemy, but as a blessing to our neighborhood. We need not fear peace, but embrace it.
The Gaza Prison Camp
Article by Nonie Darwish in
the Huffington Post
Today the Gaza Strip, now under the control of Hamas, has become the Gaza prison camp for 1.5 million Palestinians and continues to serve as the launching pad for attacks against Israeli citizens.
Read the full article at
Palestinian Woman Simpathizes with Israel
When a Palestinian woman gave birth to twins in an Israeli hospital she experienced what it is like to be the target of rocket fire from the Gaza Strip.
Read the full article at
The David Horowitz Freedom Center launches a Declaration Against Genocide
The David Horowitz Freedom Center announced that it will distribute a Declaration Against Genocide and ask individuals and groups, particularly those on American college campuses, to sign it. The Declaration notes that the Sudanese and other Africans have been victims of a slow motion genocide, and that Islamo fascists in the Middle East are preparing a new genocide against the Jews
A Taste of Peace
...but what of other borders that lie beyond the relatively minor distinctions in religious practice and personal attitudes? What might it mean, for instance, for a Wellesley woman of Egyptian-Jewish origins after having experienced a personal tragedy, to reach out to an Arab mother living in Israel to understand and share the meaning of deep, irreparable loss?
On a trip to East Jerusalem, local resident Eliane Markoff did just that, the result of which is a compelling written narrative that earlier this year she shared with the Wayland-Weston interfaith group. An edited version of Markoff's story accompanies this article (see sidebar). It speaks with eloquence and candor to those who seek to understand the challenges of reconciling cultural displacement, religious differences, and personal loss.
Read the full article on the
'Jewish E-Mails' page
Nonie Darwish at the Annapolis MD Conference
"Glimmer of Hope" interview
Story at TheIsraelProject.org
Story at ABC2News.com
Story at FreeStatePolitics.us
Nonie Darwish confronted by hostile audience during Islamo-Fascist Awareness Week
2007.10.22 At UC Berkeley Arab American writer and public speaker Nonie Darwish confronted a hostile audience, including members of the radical Revolutionary Communist Party who had threatened to disrupt the event. Darwish described violence against Muslim women and talked about efforts on campus to intimidate and silence Arab Americans who speak out against terrorism.
Read the full story at FrontPageMag.com
Watch the video at www.zombietime.com
Current News and Articles
Bernard Lewis 'On the Jewish Question'
Muslims in Iraq ask Christian friends to return from exile
Hatred, Egyptian Style
Saudi Justice: 200 Lashes for Rape Victim
Muslims Against Sharia interviewed
Gays Deserve Torture, Death Penalty, Iranian Minister Says
Nonie Darwish Press Conference in Berkeley 2007.10.24 [with Video]
David Horrowitz on Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week
Nonie Darwish at Brown University
Muslims Against Sharia
Mistrial in Case of Muslim Charity Accused of Funding Terror After Verdict Confusion
Two Men Get 7,000 Lashes for Sodomy in Saudi Arabia
U.S. Commission Wants Saudi-Funded School Closed Until Textbooks Can Be Reviewed
Saudi Women Push for Right to Drive
Nonie Darwish's book now available everywhere!
Now They Call Me Infidel : Why I Renounced Jihad for America, Israel, and the War on Terror (Hardcover) is Nonie Darwish's personal story of tragedy and redemption, as well as a scholarly analysis of Middle-Eastern culture. Every Western statesman, indeed every European and American citizen will benefit from Ms. Darwish's unique insights into the danger to Western civilization posed by Radical Islam and sustained by deep-rooted Arab/Muslim cultural dynamics.
The book hit the shelves November 16 2006. You may order online from the following sites:

Now They Call Me Infidel
Arabs for Truth
Dear Nonie,
What better place to enjoy the bulk of your book then on an El Al Flight from Los Angeles to Tel Aviv? There was plenty of time for me to read and re-read favorite passages. Truth is the message of your book and truth will help set this conflict free and end it. You are as they say "her father's daughter" and in his memory you will accomplish much, perhaps event more then you can imagine. So many people around the world will join your grassroots organization and help reveal and live with truth. I hope to offer much more support in the future. At the moment I'm visiting my ailing mother in Tel Aviv. We inherit all the good and sometimes not so good traits our parents instilled in us. As each generation comes forth, the good from the previous generation is embellished in the new while the bad, is edited out, hopefully.
May you be blessed with many years of good health, may your children follow in your steps, if they wish, and may our wish for peace between Arabs and Jews come in our life time. To be cont.
Best wishes,
"I want to say to you that I love Isreal from my heart and I hope in any day in soon future to be one of Israel socity but i don't know how ....."
From an Egyptian who works in the State of Qatar 2007.11.11
Jews do not hate Arabs
2007.11.07 Hi As I read your letters from Israel I want to underline that jews do not hate arabs. I want to say that I have lived in Israel for 13 years as non jewish and we lived very close with the jews in the land. Since I grew up in the country (6 to 22 years of age) during that time I always heard that arabs and jews could make a paradise in the middle east. I never heard a jew speak of hate. I never heard a jew blame the Germans for the holocaust. All they said was let us forget and make a better day.
A short story: A friend of mine have a garage for trucks in Israel. An arab left his truck for repair. The worker forgot to put in a small security pin for the breaks and told the owner. The owner jumped in his car and drove to the arab village wich was very far away, and waited for the truck to come home. As he waited he saw people gather in a building so he went to the building ,it was a big hall and people sat along side the wall. As he sat there the arabs spoke so much bad about Israel and jews the my firend said to me "How much can you take?" (he know arabis since he came from Iraq) so he spoke up and and told them that he was Israeli, jew and he shows them the security pin and told them why he was there only so that they would not blame him for delibratly forget the security pin. He left the room and by that time the truck owner had come home and he mounted the pin and drove from the town late that evening. He told me that he was very scared as they could have shot him as he drove down the hill. The garage had in 1989 about 20 muslim workers of total 50 workers. What I want to say is that Israel don't hate the arabs/mulsims/Palestinians all they want is to live in peace and make a better place to live in. My best math and physics teacher in Israel is a muslim.
Regards from Dan Johansson Sweden
Life is to short to be consumed by hatred
Dear Mrs. Darwish and Arab/Muslim friends,
I am a 27 year old Jewish man from Holland The Hague. I am a member of the orthodox Jewish congragtion here. Reading through the ´´Arab´´reactions about Israel I became happy. A overwhelming feeling of brotherhood came over me. I have always thought if we could settle our problems and work together we could make the Middle East flourish! I do not and I know many Jews do not feel any hatred or negative feelings towards Arabs or Muslims what so ever!!
Life is to short to be consumed by hatred....from both sides.. My wishes are that as many people as possible speak out and be positive about peace and reconciliation. We have to look to the future..
Salaam Aleikum, Shalom Aleichem..
Alexander L.Y. van der Linden
Message from Egyptian in USA to Hero Nonie
In the name of Allah, the beneficient, the MERCIFUL First of all i would like to thank u so much for ur time reading my humble email and i wish u and all ur families and beloved are in the best of conditions. It gives me more pride of my self as an egyptian living in USA , FL and i do feel so proud of u and all u r doing for the sake of salam between all human being on this planet. My name is mahmoud and i really do feel all u r fighting for and i know how much hard is it but i do believe in u and u can do it..... i studied in Al-azhar educational institutes for long time and i completely understand all u say about Al-azhar and the double face of islamic Da`wah which means that in the east they are talking about jihad only as the war, fight, bomobing and that is the real terorism and here in the west they claims the jihad to refer to the self and inner struggle... to be honest i found it very very hard to find any reason to hate israel or jewish. I swear to God that i do respect them and i admire their way of harmony, education and organized life which astonishes me all the time Today when we look around we found that arabs and islamists are the only people allover the world who are calling for revenge, bloody war, throwing israel in the sea, terrorism and all those scaring vocabularies which reflect the ugly face of misunderstanding the great islam which is a peace call not a war call. I`m so proud of my self as a muslim but i really do feel so ashamed of majority of muslim allover the world who are only taking israel and jews as the enemiest enemy.....why????why??? and for how long????? and how can we stop such hatred???? I know and realize why do they call u infidel but i see that as a crown on ur head to be a prove of ur love for the peace and i really do respect and love u the peace maker I`m a muslim and i remember such a beautiful verse mentioned in the new testment of the bible which means: BLESSED ARE THE PEACE MAKER FOR THEY ARE CALLED SONS OF GOD and the title SON OF GOD means like u r so beloved to God the way the father loves his son. I do offer all my help to u..and i would be so happy if i get any answer to my humble email. Muslim all over the world remember what happened when prophet muhammad (Peace be upon Him) had the chanc and sorounded Makkah and he did nothing but giving AMNESTY and fogiving all the Quraishi people and that was a sign of new white page with his former enemies.
We all know what Quraish did to the prophet and how much harm they caused to him and all his followers but he covered his eyes on all those crimes and he stretched his hand to Quraish again for a new peace era and we know that they all were amazed and astonished of such a holy and noble behaviour from Muhammad - PBUH -. So, Why don`t we do that today?? If we are really claiming that we r following and imitating the prophet's life style, then we should do that long time ago and live in peace with all the people regardless of their races, colors, faiths. I really have alot of things to say concerning such a case which is very easy but muslim are showing it as the most complicated problem.. Please, feel free anytime u like to type to me and i will be so grateful for u
With all my best wishes, hearty prayers. Yours, the peace seeker
Mahmoud Ibrahim
Two very important verses from the Qur'an regarding hatred and making peace with one's enemies.
1. Hatred:
O ye who believe! Be steadfast witnesses for Allah in equity, and let not hatred of any people* seduce you that ye deal not justly. Deal justly, that is nearer to your duty. Observe your duty to Allah. Lo! Allah is informed of what you do.- AL-MA'IDAH The TABLESPREAD - SURAH V:8 * That includes Jews and Israelis.
2. Making Peace with One's Enemies
It may be that Allah will grant affection (and friendship) between you and those whom ye (now) hold as enemies. For Allah has power (over all things), and Allah is Forgiving, Most Merciful.-AL-MUMTAHANA The WOMAN TO BE EXAMINED - SURAH LX:7
Interviews, speeches and Articles featuring Nonie Darwish
Documentary Movie:
Obsession: Radical Islam's War against the West
Glenn Beck on Nonie Darwish censored by Brown University Nov 20 2006
Nonie Darwish at the Heritage Foundation, Washington D.C. Nov 16 2006
The New York Post on the Brown University Controversy Nov 19 2006
National Review Online on the Brown University Controversy Nov 20 2006
September 12 2006 interview on CNN with Glen Beck: 'Know Your Enemy'
August 19 2006 interview on MSNBC: 'Americans Do Not Grasp The Extent of Radical Islam's Threat'
August 4 2006 interview on MSNBC: 'Roots of Anti-Semitism'
July 29 2006 interview on MSNBC: 'Root Causes of Israeli-Arab Conflict'
July 27 2006 interview on Fox News Channel: 'Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West'
July 6, 2006 Interview on the Mark Levine Show (MP3 download)
RadioInsideScoop Home page:

Obsession: Radical Islam's War against the West
To book a speaking engagement with Nonie Darwish, contact:
Write to Nonie Darwish at:
Links to other sites of interest
Jihad Watch
Judaism Online: http://www.simpletoremember.com
Christians Standing with Israel
Tall Shadows: Interviews with Israeli Arabs
Anglicans For Israel: www.anglicansforisrael.com
LibForAll Foundation
Interfaith Strength
Root & Branch Association
Gerald A. Honigman: Commentary, observations and opinions on the Middle East: http://www.geraldahonigman.com
The Egypt Blog
Jews Indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa: http://www.jimena.org
One Jerusalem - Blogging life in Israel: http://www.onejerusalem.com
Concerned Voices Speak out for a Safe Israel (cvspeaks.com)
Fuel For Truth
Stand With Us
Interfaith Encounter Association

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