۱۳۸۷ فروردین ۱۴, چهارشنبه

A Third American War Crime in the

By Paul Craig Roberts
31/03/08 "ICH" -- -- The US Congress, the US media, the American
people, and the United Nations, are looking the other way as Cheney
prepares his attack on Iran.
If only America had an independent media and an opposition party. If there
were a shred of integrity left in American political life, perhaps a third act of
naked aggression--a third war crime under the Nuremberg standard--by

Bush Regime could be prevented.
On March 30, the Russian News & Information Agency, Novosti, cited “a
high-ranking security source: “The latest military intelligence data point to
heightened US military preparations for both an air and ground operation
against Iran.” http://en.rian.ru/russia/20070327/62697703.html
According to Novosti, Russian Colonel General Leonid Ivashov said “that
the Pentagon is planning to deliver a massive air strike on Iran’s military
infrastructure in the near future.”

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